Welcome to The Unified Art Show

Drip Drop, by Allen “AJ” Ripplinger 

AJ made this painting by pouring colors onto a canvas and moving the canvas around to create different shapes. AJ enjoyed choosing the colors blue and green. AJ also liked seeing the colors run together and mix.

Color, by August Baierschmidt

August is a fun, happy guy, who loves art. He enjoys painting and dancing best, but is always up for trying new things. He is a very productive artist, and can finish three or four pieces in a day.

Buffalo – After the Storm, by Dave Hennessey

The buffalo has recently become a symbol for grit, resilience, and a mindset of facing challenges head-on. The proactive and determined actions of the buffalo has prompted artists and other storytellers to create images and narratives that inspire others to trust God, have faith, and “be the buffalo” when faced with trials.

When a storm is approaching, the buffalo is known to “charge the storm”, running toward, into, and through the storm. As a result, the buffalo more quickly passes out of the storm and into the calm and the light. This is in contrast to cattle who run away from approaching storms, only to perhaps find themselves exhausted as the storm catches up to them and envelops them, sometimes with tragic results.

A Picture of Me, by Christian Holets

Chris likes playing music. It’s his favorite kind of art. He feels happy when he’s making music. Chris also likes writing because he likes talking about his feelings. He likes drawing and painting, and trying new things. If people could enjoy his work, Chris says that would be awesome.

Emerald City, by Hannah Edwards

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Under the Sea, by Jeanie S.

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere

Art By Kate Nordfelt

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere

Rocky Mountain High, by Chelan Feller & Lillian Millerd

This painting was inspired by Bob Ross. Chelan loves painting beautiful landscapes and trying new techniques.

Sponge Bob, Curtis Harper

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere

Melted, Amy Rice

One of Amy’s favorite colors is purple. She loved making this melted showman out of clay to celebrate sunny winter days.

A Flower, Cydnee Rowley

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere

Stars at Night, Darin Erickson

Darin just wants to have fun, and feels happy when he makes art. He likes to paint and glue popsicle sticks together to make art. He likes painting best. He’s proud of what he does and he likes it. He likes all of the colors, and likes using all of them in his work. He begins his art with an idea, and he knows it is finished when he looks at it and enjoys it. He wants people to be proud of his work when they see it. He enjoys it.

Fruit Salad, Emily Bradford, Julie Woodruff, and Lori Hanks

We made this out of paper paint swatches and a yellow painted canvas. We made two pears and one apple. These are some of our favorite fruits. We wanted to make it look like a mosaic.

The Cheeky Fox, Katie Felgar

Katie F feels relaxed when doing art. Her favorite medium to use is watercolors. She just wants people to think of her art and be happy. Katie’s favorite thing about her art is that she finds it very relaxing and therapeutic. Her favorite kind of art is still life.

Blur of Spring Flowers, Everest Group

“Blur of Spring Flowers” by the Everest program. The group began by adding a generous amount of paint to the canvas then covering it with crinkled plastic wrap to dry. The group then added a few more colors as well as foil paper to add some shimmer. The abstract design reminded them of a blurry glimpse of a spring flower garden.

Frozen, Katie Gardner

Katie G likes making art. She likes drawing, and really enjoys working with polymer clay. She likes using clay because of all the different colors. Katie feels good when she’s making art. She likes it!

Sandy Fall, Hayden Hinton, Megan Alworth, Rachel Donoho, and Taylor Hall

These three worked to mix paint with fine sand. Then using spoons and butter knives applied the sandy paint to the canvas. The texture was fun to feel as some scooped the paint in their hand (with gloves on). The group decided together to add a fall leaf in the middle as a finishing touch.

Under the Sea Coral, Ryan Young and Makenna Olson

They began by painting both sides of shrink paper. Then cut out the shapes using a press cut. The group worked with staff to use a heat gun to shrink the parts. After this they painted the canvas black. Once dry they used hot glue to attach the sink pieces to the canvas.

Hard Day of Work,  Everest Group

This was a fun project to work on together. The group used a drill and inserted paint brushes into the drill to paint. Turning the brust at fast speeds they moved the drill in different directions. The group loved to cheer each other on during the process.

Yes, Jessica Wadsworth

Jessi loves music! She is quite the actress and acting is in her blood. She has been able to appear in a few community theater productions with her family, and enjoys every opportunity to perform. Jessi also enjoys painting and drawing, and makes some wonderfully unique pieces.

Scrud, Mark Jones

Mark is happy when making art. He likes drawing and painting, but is happy to try making any kind of art. He likes showing his artwork to others and wants others to feel happy when they see his art.

Harry Potter, Margaret Grand Bois

Pretty Colors and Squiggly Lines, Kelly Nance

Kelly is a good guy and he likes art. When Kelly makes art, he feels happy and it makes him feel good. He likes the way he draws and likes painting with a paintbrush best, but he also likes using all the other materials. His favorite color is blue, but he doesn’t use it a lot in his artwork- he likes working with other colors. When people see Kelly’s artwork, he wants them to say how wonderful it is- he always feels good when they say that.

Desert Evening, Matthew Neilson

Matt describes his work as abstract, using primarily long, curvy lines. He uses mono- and dichromatic color schemes so that his paintings are more focused on one or two emotions. Matt’s art is inspired by the magical elements of nature: fire, water, wind, earth, and corvettes. He also gains inspiration from his mom, who is an amateur photographer, a professional face painter, and a balloon twister. In addition to painting, Matt also enjoys drawing, modeling clay, and whittling, and has been creating art for about 30 years. When Matt is not making art, he loves to read the works of his favorite authors: Dean Koonz, Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe, and H.P. Lovecraft. Depending on the piece of artwork, Matt wants the viewers to feel a sense of calm, excitement, or anger. He says, “I want them to feel something.”

Emerald Peacock, Katie Felgar

Katie F feels relaxed when doing art. Her favorite medium to use is watercolors. She just wants people to think of her art and be happy. Katie’s favorite thing about her art is that she finds it very relaxing and therapeutic. Her favorite kind of art is still life.

Mama Pig, Rose Bird

Pink, Tory Johansen

Tory enjoys drawing and painting when making art. Tory is open to trying new types of art and likes making both pictures of things, and making abstract art. She also loves cats and enjoys drawing and painting cats.

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, Nicholas Pawlicki

Nicholas P does art because it is what he likes to do. He feels really happy when a piece is going the way that he wants. He likes to do pieces about the things he thinks about—like superheroes and transformers. Nicholas enjoys using charcoal, oil pastels, markers, and painting his pieces and he does not have a favorite medium. His favorite color is blue and he likes to use it in his work. He starts his pieces by drawing them with a pencil and then uses the other materials on top of the pencil. He starts by looking at another picture and drawing from it, and sometimes he starts with a stick figure and works around it. He knows that a piece is down when he finishes the background and the details. When Nicholas is drawing or painting, he feels “not bored.”

Photography from Weber Junction Artists

Photography from Weber Junction Artists

Sewing by Stephen LeFever

Love, Shane Platt

Shane likes art because it’s fun. He loves painting and movies. When he’s making art he feels happy and funny. He likes painting and watercolors best. He also likes dancing, but sometimes it pops his hip. When people see Shane’s artwork, he wants them to think it’s really nice. He likes it- it’s pretty.

Beauty in Change, Monalisa Afoa

I have always loved and admired butterflies. They are a powerful beacon of growth and new beginnings. I honestly believe that a butterfly signifies the power of transformation, rebirth, personal growth, and freedom. It simply represents the journey of change. For some people, they resist change for a number of reasons, which include the fear of the unknokwn, fear of failure, loss of control, and many more. However, I have learned this past year to embrace change.

There’s so much beauty in change when we focus on the positive rather than the negative. In this picture, I have decided to draw various colorful butterflies and flowers. Each picture represents the changes I have had to go through in my life and the end result is a beautiful mural of my story.

Change is an inevitable part of life. We should always change our perspective and learn to embrace change.

The KSL 5 Team, Jerry B.

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